“It can be seen that China’s development has brought a new opportunity to the world because when China develops successfully, the world can keep pace.” (Lin Zhuowei)
With bilateral cooperation expanding to more areas and increasing investments from China, both countries have gained more growth momentum in the next phase, noted Medgyessy.
宝德棋牌“匈中在医疗卫生领域的合作颇具价值和实用性,中国传统医学享誉世界,值得在匈牙利进行推广,”匈牙利前总理迈杰希·彼得(Peter Medgyessy)日前在采访中高度肯定了中国传统医学的价值。
“I think medical cooperation is very valuable and practical, as traditional Chinese medicine is famous all over the world and they are worth applying in Hungary,” Peter Medgyessy, former Hungarian Prime Minister, highlighted the significance of traditional Chinese medicine in a recent interview.
After his more than 40 visits to China, Medgyessy said he has seen almost every part of the beautiful country, and each visit has amazed him with new developments.
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