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TA已推荐 87 款游戏
拉哈齐还表示,今天的中国和非洲可以共同创造出惊人的价值,因为中非、中摩间有很多共同点,而中非合作论坛会加强中非、中摩间的关系。(记者 吴家驹)
博盈体育app官网入口2024年中非合作论坛峰会期间,摩洛哥-中国区贸易协会主席迈赫迪·拉哈齐(Mehdi Laraki)在接受中新网采访时批驳了中国“债务陷阱”论。
"When you understand this DNA of China, I don't think you would criticize." Laraki believes that before making business with Chinese, it's better to understand the Chinese culture and the Chinese value.
Besides, Laraki says China and Africa can create amazing value, because Africa or Morocco and China have a lot of common points, and FOCAC can get the relationship between Africa or Morocco and China stronger. (Wu Jiaju)
The 2024 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) is being held in Beijing. In an interview with China News Network, Mehdi Laraki,president of Morocco Chinese Business Council refutes the narrative of China's "debt trap".
...TA已推荐 162 款游戏
游戏版本 V2.2.3 | 大小 43.98M |
系统要求 安卓4.5 | 更新时间 2024-12-06 04:34:31 |
语言 中文 | 开发商 |
适龄范围 12+ |
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