大阳城集团娱乐43335集团近日,亚太“一带一路”共策会执行董事、拿督翁忠义(Dato' Ong Chong Yi)在接受中国新闻网专访时表示,中国通过“一带一路”倡议,不仅推动了东盟国家基础设施的建设,还推动了地区贸易、投资、数字化和绿色发展。面对区域挑战,东盟需强化供应链,发展物流和数字基础设施,以促进跨境电商,融入全球市场,实现长期韧性和竞争力提升。(记者 陈天浩)
In early October, the 44th and 45th Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) Summit and related summits were held in Vientiane, Laos. During an exclusive interview with China News Network, Dato' Ong Chong Yi, Executive Director of BRI Caucus for Asia Pacific (BRICAP), noted that strengthening both physical and digital connectivity will empower ASEAN to enhance its competitiveness, integrate more deeply into global supply chains, and build long-term resilience in an increasingly complex international and regional landscape.
Dato’ Ong analyzed that the Belt and Road Initiative boosts trade, investment, and digital connectivity and promotes green development in ASEAN countries. (Chen Tianhao)
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