TA已推荐 95 款游戏
TA已推荐 38 款游戏
When Chinese and African enterprises build connections in their own category, they can learn the experiences and lessons of the field together and play a role in the Africa-China relationship. (Wu Xinru)
Numerous Chinese enterprises at different levels operating in Ghana have integrated themselves into the local society, living and interacting with the locals, noted Paul Frimpong, executive director of Africa-China Center for Policy and Advisory, to China News Network.
...TA已推荐 103 款游戏
游戏版本 V5.3.1 | 大小 63.22M |
系统要求 安卓2.7 | 更新时间 2024-12-03 19:06:33 |
语言 中文 | 开发商 |
适龄范围 12+ |
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