PG电子游戏4月16日晚,来华访问的德国总理朔尔茨来到位于北京798艺术区的北京德国文化中心·歌德学院(中国),与文化和社会领域的代表互动交流。德总理访华团随行记者斯特凡•德特延(Stephan Detjen)对中新网表示,相较36年前自己第一次来中国时,如今这里发生了翻天覆地的变化,令他印象深刻。“我每次来中国,都会感叹这里的发展变化。中国在不断进步,经济迅猛发展,非凡的现代化成就惠及了社会方方面面。德国历任总理都对中国的发展印象深刻。” (赵丽)
“It’s overwhelming whenever I come today, how cities like Chongqing, which I saw 36 years ago have changed, how the country is growing, how the economy is growing, how everything is getting enormously modern. So every German Chancellor is really impressed by the development China made and has been making in the past years,” he said.
German Chancellor Olaf Scholz visited Goethe Institut on his official trip to China in Beijing’s 798 Art District on Tuesday evening. Stephan Detjen, a German journalist accompanying Scholz, told China News Network that compared to 36 years ago when he first came to China as a student, there have been overwhelming changes here, leaving him deeply impressed.
「今日篮球速递」男篮世界杯-日本逆转委内瑞拉 中国直通奥运仅存理论希望➾➿
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