cq9传奇电子试玩日前,“中国新疆的历史与未来”国际论坛在新疆喀什举行。美国耶鲁大学林业与环境研究学院高级研究员约翰·格瑞姆 (John Grim)接受中新网采访时指出,中国对能源转型的追求令人鼓舞,中国发展太阳能、风能等清洁能源为全球树立了榜样。
美国耶鲁大学林业与环境研究学院教授玛丽·塔克 (Mary Tucker-Grim)则指出,中国从工业化社会向生态文明社会转变是必要的,美西方指责中国“产能过剩”并对其新能源产业加征关税,非常不公平。(赵丽)
Mary Tucker-Grim, professor at the same Yale School , emphasized the necessity of China's transformation from an industrial society to an ecological civilization. She criticized Western accusations of China’s "overcapacity" and the imposition of tariffs on its new energy industries as very unfair.
In an exclusive interview with China News Network on the sideline of the International Forum on the History and Future of Xinjiang, China held in Kashi, John Grim, senior lecturer and senior research scholar at School of Forestry and Environmental Studies, Yale University, believes that the pursuit of energy transition in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region and the rest of China is very encouraging. He highlighted China's development of solar and wind energy as setting a global example.
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